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       The best is yet to come.

How Can Psychotherapy Help Me?

Woman standing on Dock When your internal life causes overwhelming emotion or disconnection; when you feel that you've become stuck in unhealthy relationships; or you have experienced emotional or physical trauma, you do not have to face these issues in isolation. Whatever symptoms or problems you have, they may be presenting an opportunity for you to discover a new pathway to self-awareness, healing and connection.

My practice combines psychodynamic talk therapy with body/mind awareness, "Mindfulness". As an interactive therapist, my treatment approach is to provide a safe space for you to explore and develop insight into current and past experiences that have interfered with your sense of well-being.  With sensitivity, compassion and practice you can learn to have a more balanced perspective on the patterns in your life that have developed  from childhood and that no longer serve you.  Through Mindfulness you can unlock the places that feel "stuck";  look at the beliefs you may have about yourself, as well as in relationships with others. By becoming attuned to your internal experience (the thoughts, feelings, memories that are aroused while alone or triggered by your relationship; or something in your environment), you can gain insight into how your past is connected to these patterns. When we can make sense of our lives starting with the past, we can live more fully in the present and build a hopeful foundation for the future



Mindfullness means paying attention in a particular way

Helpful Forms

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